Netnod IX pricing

Effective 13 March 2025

Important: All services delivered over the Netnod Internet Exchange require a fee for port access and for the services delivered over that port.

This means the overall monthly fee consists of TWO ELEMENTS:  

i) Monthly port access fee (see section 1)
ii) Monthly fee for services delivered over that port (see sections 2 and 3)

For a single 1Gbps peering service at Netnod IX Stockholm the fee would consist of:
1 x 10G Port Access (1 000 SEK) + 1Gbps peering service (600 SEK) = 1 600 SEK

For a redundant 10Gbps peering service at Netnod IX Stockholm the fee would consist of: 
2 x 10G Port Access (2 000 SEK) + 2 x 10Gbps peering service (12 700 SEK) = 14 700 SEK

For existing IX customers, these are presented as one total fee on the invoice. For Netnod One Port customers, the port access and service fee are shown as separate on the invoice.

All fees below are specified with value added tax and other governmental charges excluded.

1. Monthly port access fees 

There is no set up fee for on-net connections.

For off-net connections in Stockholm, Netnod will arrange fibre access for you. We can provide a quote for this on request.

For off-net connections in other regions, you are responsible for ordering fibre access. We can assist with a list of suggested vendors if needed.  

Port size

Monthly fee - Single (SEK)

Monthly fee - Redundant (SEK)


1 000 

2 000


2 500 

5 000


5 000

10 000

Note: the above fee is only for port access (single gives you 1 x Port Access, Redundant gives you 2 x Port Access). See (2) below for the fees for peering services delivered over a port, and (3) for other value added services. 

2. Monthly peering services fees 

After purchasing a port, you can add an IX peering service to it. The cost depends on the bandwidth of the peering service delivered over the port.

2.1 Netnod IXes in Sweden and Denmark

The fees below are for a peering service at one of the Netnod IXes in Stockholm, Copenhagen-Malmö, Gothenburg, Sundsvall-Gävle, or Luleå. For all our Points of Presence in these cities, see here.


Monthly fee - Single (SEK)*

Monthly fee - Redundant* (SEK)



1 000 


3 800

7 000


6 500 

12 700


20 000

39 100


31 250 

55 000


70 000

130 000

*The monthly fee here is for a peering service at one Netnod IX and does NOT include the price for Port Access (see section 1 above). 

Notes: In addition to the options above, we offer an Unlimited product that allows an unlimited amount of traffic at any Netnod IX in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. For more information, please contact us.

2.2 Netnod IX Helsinki 


Monthly fee - SINGLE (SEK)*

Monthly fee - Redundant (SEK)*





3 000

5 800


4 100

7 900


12 500 

19 000


17 500 

34 000


40 000 

78 000

*The monthly fee here is for peering at the Netnod IX Helsinki and does NOT include the price for Port Access (see section 1 above). 

Notes: In addition to the options above, we offer an Unlimited product that allows an unlimited amount of traffic at any Netnod IX in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. For more information, please contact us.

2.3 Netnod IX Oslo 


Monthly fee (SEK)*


1 600

10 Gbps - first

1 600

10Gbps - additional 


25 Gbps

1 850 


14 750 

*The monthly fee here is for peering at the Netnod IX Oslo and does NOT include the price for Port Access (see section 1 above). 

3. Value added service fees

After purchasing a port, you can add any of the value added services below (as long as your port has sufficient capacity). 

3.1 Remote IX

Peer remotely at other Netnod IXes with just one port. Read more here.

Monthly fee (SEK)*








Any Netnod IX (except Helsinki or Oslo)

Netnod IX Stockholm/

7 500

6 250

2 500

1 500


Any Netnod IX

Netnod IX Helsinki 

15 000

12 500

5 000

3 000

1 000

Any Netnod IX 

Netnod IX Oslo 

21 000


5 000



* You can order a Remote IX connection that is the same speed as your local peering service. For example: if you have a 10Gbps peering service at the Netnod IX Stockholm, you can order a 10Gbps remote IX service to peer in Copenhagen for 2 500 SEK. You will then be able to exchange a maximum of 10Gbps peering traffic (made up of the traffic you exchange locally at the Netnod IX Stockholm and remotely at the Netnod IX Copenhagen). 

3.2 Cross IX 

Peer at AMS-IX Amsterdam using your Netnod IX connection. Read more here.

Prices from 2 000 SEK per month. Please contact us for more information. 

3.3 Closed User Group 

A private and secure network for exchanging traffic with selected suppliers, partners, or customers. Read more here. The costs below are for joining an existing Closed User Group (CUG). If you are interested in setting up a CUG, please contact us for more details. 

Connection Monthly fee (SEK)

VLAN on existing port

1 000

1Gbps - dedicated port 


10Gbps - dedicated port 

6 500* 

* A dedicated CUG connection will also require the relevant port access (see section 1). 

3.4 Netnod Time Direct 

Netnod Time Direct is a fully managed, state-of-the art time service. It guarantees you independence from GNSS and 30µs accuracy from UTC. Read more here

Please contact us for more details.


3.5 Private VLAN 

The Private VLAN service is a fast and easy way to create virtual private connections between two locations within a metro area or between regions. You can read more here.


The Private VLAN service is available across the metro areas of the Netnod IXes in Sweden, Copenhagen and Helsinki.

Connection Monthly fee (SEK)

10Gbps VLAN

2 000

100Gbps VLAN

2 500

* The Private VLAN service requires a Netnod One Port connection at either end. You can connect existing ports for the price above. For connecting over new or dedicated ports, you will also need the relevant port access (see section 1). 


The Private VLAN service is available between the regional areas of the Netnod IXes in Sweden, Copenhagen and Helsinki.

Connection Monthly fee (SEK)

10Gbps VLAN

3 000

100Gbps VLAN

10 000

* The Private VLAN service requires a Netnod One Port connection at either end. You can connect existing ports for the price above. For connecting over new or dedicated ports, you will also need the relevant port access (see section 1). 


4. Redundant ports at the IX

To use redundant ports, you will need two cross connects. In that case, you will be guaranteed diverse paths to ensure redundancy. You can choose which services to add to which port. The monthly costs for redundant ports can be found in sections 1 and 2 above. Read more about redundant ports here.

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Connect to Netnod IX Stockholm
Connect to Netnod IX Copenhagen