Netnod's organisation

Netnod is a neutral and independent Internet infrastructure organisation based in Sweden. Netnod is fully owned by the non-profit foundation TU-stiftelsen (Stiftelsen för Telematikens utveckling).

The Netnod Board

The Netnod board decides on Netnod's strategies and provides management with long term goals as well as ensuring that activities are in line with Netnod's overall goals.

The Netnod board approves the annual budget and receives monthly updates on Netnod’s finances and activities. The board meets six times a year and is appointed formally by the TU Foundation with appointments following the nominations in accordance with the TU Foundation’s commitment to the Internet community.  

> Read more and meet the members of the Netnod board

Netnod staff

Netnod staff work in the following areas: Operations, Research and Development, Engineering, Marketing and Outreach.

> Read more and meet Netnod staff members

About Netnod
Netnod plays an active role in shaping and securing the future of the Internet. We do this by working together with the Internet community and making significant contributions to Internet governance, policy and technical standards.
Public policies and statements
Netnod’s public policy objectives are based on the notion of an open Internet based on the end-to-end principle where layers and components can be managed and provided by commercial, institutional and non-profit actors.
Netnod events