IX Network Announcement

Highwinds (AS12989) has upgraded its connections at Netnod Stockholm.
Bahnhof (AS8473) becomes the first 100GE customer at Netnod in Stockholm.
Mainloop (AS43893) is now present at Netnod in Stockholm.
Netflix (AS2906) has expanded their connection with one additional 10GE connection at Netnod in Stockholm.
Netflix (AS2906) has expanded their connection with one additional 10GE connection at Netnod in Stockholm.
EdgeCast Networks (AS15133) is now present at Netnod in Stockholm.
Netflix (AS2906) is now present at Netnod in Stockholm.
Highwinds (AS33438) is now present at Netnod in Stockholm.
Ownit Broadband AB (AS33885) has expanded their connection with a Gigabit connection at Netnod in Gothenburg!
Telenor Sverige AB (AS2119) has expanded their connection with one additional 10GE connection at Netnod in Malmö!
VKontakte (AS47541) has expanded their connection with two additional 10GE connections at Netnod in Stockholm!
Com Hem (AS39651) has expanded their connection with two additional 10GE connections at Netnod in Stockholm!