Meet us

Netnod och Internetstiftelsen bjuder in till event i Malmö om “Rock solid Internet”.
Internet är idag en väldigt viktig del av vår infrastruktur. Hur kan vi tillsammans skapa robusta tjänster generellt och på regional nivå.
Netnod will be present at Stockholm Tech Show in Stockholm, Sweden!
Netnod will be present during the 119th IETF meeting in Brisbane, Australia!
Netnod will be present during the Kubecon conference in Paris, France!
Netnod will be presenting at Cyber Security: Kritisk Infrastruktur 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden!
Netnod will be present during the 40th Euro-IX meeting in Heraklion, Greece!
The Netnod team will attend and proud sponsor the Nordic Domain Days in Stockholm!
Netnod will be present at the NANOG91 event in Kansas City, US!
Netnod will be present at ITNOG8 in Bologna, Italy!
Netnod will be present at the RIPE88 meeting in Krakow, Poland!

Netnod are a proud sponsor of and will attend the meeting in Tampere, Finland!
Netnod will attend MORE-IP in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.