Netnod launches new customer portal

Netnod IX and DNS customers can sign up to use the new portal at:
This launch follows an extensive beta testing phase where we gathered feedback from a range of customers. We will continually update and add to the portal. We plan to include our Netnod Time and Metro services in a future version.
Today, the Netnod Customer Portal enables IX customers to:
- see traffic stats per port
- investigate bit errors, light levels for troubleshooting
- get easy access to technical details
- upgrade ports
- find invoices and contracts
For DNS customers, the portal makes it easy to:
- see an overview of products and contracts
- create and edit zones
- sign any zone changes with TSIGs
- create and edit TSIGs
The old DNS portal and existing API will continue to work as before with DNS customers able to make updates using those tools or through the new Netnod Customer Portal.
You can sign up to use the portal at: In the coming weeks, we will start sending invitation emails to primary contacts for each customer.
If you have any questions or feedback about the portal, please contact: