Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

What is Precision Time Protocol (PTP)?
PTP was originally defined in the IEEE 1588-2002 standard ("Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems"). It has been designed for systems that need a level of accuracy beyond the capability of traditional software NTP implementations and for applications where, for some reason, GNSS is not a scalable solution. PTP also offers a redundant alternative to GNSS.
Who uses it?
PTP is used by industries ranging from banking and financial services to telecommunications, transport and the energy sector. For any organisation that needs to ensure the highest level of time accuracy and does not want to depend solely on GNSS, PTP offers robust and reliable traceable time.
What are the benefits?
Netnod’s PTP service offers traceable time over a dedicated fibre which enables organisations to time stamp to the highest degree of accuracy. It provides redundancy for organisations that are using GNSS, which is important given the fact that GNSS is susceptible to interruption due to weather conditions, rollover problems and security issues.
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