Netnod responds to the Ministry of Justice report on increased resilience

Netnod believes that the creation of a specific sector for electronic communication and post is a good thing, and this does not have to overlap with the creation of a specific area for cybersecurity.

Netnod has responded to the report on increased resilience (Ökad motståndskraft - SOU 2021:25).

Netnod believes that the creation of a specific sector for electronic communication and post is a good thing, and this does not have to overlap with the creation of a specific area for cybersecurity. The sector can get a responsibility to develop and support a communication architecture while the area of cybersecurity is tasked to work with antagonistic threats. The sector can then maximize the ability to communicate regardless of what threats it must be able to handle. Antagonistic or not.

We further refer to our earlier response to the Ministry of Infrastructure interim report on secure and cost-effective IT operations which you can find here.

Finally, Netnod view it as extremely important that the division of the country in six regions will not hamper the good cooperation on national level, for example via NTSG.

Netnod’s full response is available below.

Netnod response
Report on increased resilience