Cyber Security: Kritisk infrastruktur 2024

Date: 21 March 2024
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Listen to Patrik Fältström at the Cyber Security: Kritisk infrastruktur meeting. If you have any questions, please send an email to

Patrik "paf" Fältström
Patrik joined Netnod in 2012. He holds a Master of Science degree in Mathematics from Stockholm University and is a member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Previously, Patrik was a Distinguished Consulting Engineer at Cisco, Technical Specialist at Tele2, Systems Manager at the Royal Institute of Technology, Researcher at Bunyip Information Systems in Montréal and a Programmer in the Royal Swedish Navy. He has been working with UNIX since 1985, DNS since 1987, and been involved in Internet-related standardisation since 1989 — both in Sweden and worldwide. Patrik is an editor of standards for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and E.164 number mapping in DNS (ENUM), both standards of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) where he has also worked with Directory Services and Information naming and retrieval mechanisms. He was also one of two area directors of the IETF applications area for five years, followed by being a member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) for three years. He served as a member of the Internet Society (ISOC) Board of Trustees from 2006 to 2009.
Patrik has been an active participant in Internet governance issues at the global level. In the late 1990s he was a member of the gTLD Policy Oversight Committee, a process that helped form the foundation for the Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). He was involved in the creation of the Internet Governance Forum in the United Nations, where he also served for three years as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group and then advisor to the Chair for two years. He was an appointed advisor to the Swedish IT Minister between 2003 and 2014, a member of the ICANN Security and Stability Committee since 2005 and its chair 2011-2017. In 2014 he was appointed to the Research Advisory Network of the Global Commission of Internet Governance. From 2014-2016 he was vice-chair of the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). Since World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) 2012 he has been participating in the preparation of the Swedish view in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) related issues.
He is or has been a member of numerous other advisory groups and investigations related to Internet and Internet Governance during the years, both public and private sector, including ICANN, Packet Clearing House, Telio, HotSIP, Scrive, Wire, Yubico, Swedish Regulator PTS, Arelion (when it was Telia International Carrier), Tele2, Internetstiftelsen, Swedish, US Government and the European Commission.
For more information about Patrik and the projects he has been involved in visit this page.