Netnod responds to Ministry of Infrastructure proposal on broadband networks
On 13 December 2021, Netnod was given the opportunity by the Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure to comment on the memorandum,”An exception to the localization principle for municipal broadband expansion”.
Netnod’s view is that this bill is not currently justified.
- Netnod believes that at present there is no clear connection between set goals in the broadband strategy and how laws and regulations must work together to achieve these goals. Netnod proposes that before a bill is submitted, it must first be decided which requirements should apply so that the goals in the broadband strategy can be achieved.
- Netnod further believes that the term “broadband network” is ambiguously defined.
- Netnod considers the term “broadband network” must be defined, especially with regard to which parts and / or components of a broadband network are to be exposed to competition.
In general, Netnod agrees that there is a need for changes in the legal spaces that regulate fibre networks and the services that can be provided over such networks. Netnod believes (as we have pointed out before) that the lack of a fully functioning market for access to dark fibre leads to a suboptimal market for end user services.
Netnod believes that the Swedish government should "start over" with the broadband strategy from the premise that it wants to create efficient and fair markets where players with different investment capacities and horizons can operate.