Public policies and statements

Netnod provides expert input in policy, regulatory and governance discussions that directly impact the context within which we operate.

Netnod is actively involved in public policy debates and fora. Our experts participate in industry events as panelists and keynote speakers as well as contributing to public policies and policy processes.

Our work in the area of public policy is focused on the notion of an open Internet based on the end-to-end principle where layers and components can be managed and provided by a range of commercial, institutional and non-profit entities.

Statements on public policy

This page lists the key issues where Netnod has taken a formal stance. It is important to read these documents in the context of when they were first published. For example, older statements refer to technology that has since evolved.

Public policy processes

The Swedish legal system consists of three levels:

  • Acts represent legal directives by parliament
  • Ordinances represent legal directives by the government
  • Regulations represent legal directives by government authorities

At EU-level, there are two major types of legal documents of interest to Netnod. These are as follows:

  • EU-regulations are legal directives upheld by the EU itself which lack member state specific implementations. 
  • EU-directives are legal directives implemented by and upheld by EU member states. These have their Swedish implementation in the forms of Swedish acts, ordinances and regulations. 

Netnod regularly provides public comments on all of these types of documents. We particularly provide comments on directives related to the European Electronic Communications Codes, the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive, the Cyber Resilience Act, and their respective implementations in EU member states where applicable. 

Other policy processes

In addition to public policy processes Netnod also regularly provides commentary outside of the public policy processes of public entities. This could be as invited speakers at conferences, panel debates or similar semi-formal or informal appearances. 

Netnod regularly attends policy discussions in international fora such as ICANN, RIPE and the IETF.

Netnod also participates as experts in various fora, such as the later stages of policy processes. It is important to note that this kind of participation does not always result in publicly available documents.

Netnod public commentary

The table below contains links to recent public comments and statements made by Netnod. The Netnod response-column links to the public release made by Netnod, the Identifier-column contains the identifier of the document commented on, and the Invitation to comment-column the invitation to comment, if such an invitation is publicly available. 

The abbreviations used in the identifier often identify the type of document the comment is on. SOU, as “Statens offentliga utredningar”, is a public report requested by the Swedish government. An SOU often contains one or many suggested regulatory changes, but the SOU itself is not legislation. 

Ministry specific identifiers, such as I2021/03211 and Ju2020/04335, consist of a ministry identifier (such as I, Ju, Fi, or N for infrastructure, judicial, finance and enterprise), a year (2021 and 2020 above), and serial number (03211 or 04335 above).

PTS, as Post- och telestyrelsen, is the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, the regulatory agency for telecommunications in Sweden. PTS requests comments on all acts, ordinances and regulations at the Swedish level, as well as EU-level documents such as EU-regulations and EU-directives.

COM, as in the EU-commision, is the identifier used for proposals from the EU-commision. These proposals often go through a public consultation process.


List of selected Netnod public comments

Netnod response

Identifier (if available) Invitation to comment (if available)


Netnod responds to the national cybersecurity center consultation - part 2  Fö2024/00785 - del 2 Remiss av promemorian Ett nytt Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter – del 2 2024
Netnod replies to EC act on NIS2 Cybersecurity risk management Ares(2024)4640447 Cybersecurity risk management & reporting obligations for digital infrastructure, providers and ICT service managers 2024
Netnod replies to EC white paper on digital infrastructure COM(2024)81 White Paper – ‘How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?’ 2024
Netnod responds to the Swedish implementation of NIS2 Fö2024/00496 / SOU 2024:18 Remiss för SOU 2024:18 Nya regler om cybersäkerhet 2024
Netnod responds to the national cybersecurity center consultation Fö2024/00785 - del 1 Remiss av ett nytt Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter - Del 1 2024
Netnod comments on models for contingency supply and planning Fö2023/01478 / SOU 2023:50 Remiss av SOU 2023:50 En modell för svensk försörjningsberedskap 2023
Netnod response to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency proposal on foreign ownership of important services MSB 2022-07200 Förslag till nya föreskrifter om anmälan av utländska direktinvesteringar i vissa samhällsviktiga verksamheter 2023
Netnod response to the Ministry of Justice consultation of the current regulations on retention of and access to electronic communications data for law enforcement purposes Ju2023/01326 / SOU 2023:22

Remiss av SOU 2023:22 Datalagring och åtkomst till elektronisk kommunikation


Netnod response to the PTS market analysis PTS dnr 15-7200 PTS hämtar in synpunkter på marknadsanalys 2023
Netnod responds to the national telecommunications cooperation group proposal Fi2023/01681 Remiss av promemorian En nationell telesamverkansgrupp för fredstida kriser och höjd beredskap 2023

Current and future challenges for the connectivity sector


Frågor om dagens och framtidens utmaningar på


Netnod responds to the Gigabit Infrastructure Act


Remiss av Europeiska kommissionens förslag till förordning om gigabit infrastruktur KOM(2023)94 2023

The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure

  The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure 2023

Netnod and Internetstiftelsen responds to the Swedish Government questions related to the EU Commission's proposed adoption of the Cyber Resilience Act


Remiss av Europeiska kommissionens förslag till förordning om övergripande cybersäkerhetskrav för produkter med digitala element och om ändring av förordning (EU) 2019/1020


Netnod responds to the EU Commission's open consultation on the Cyber Resilience Act


Cyber resilience act – new cybersecurity rules for digital products and ancillary services 

Netnod responds to PTS proposals on the implementation of the European Code of Electronic Communications directive PTS dnr 22-1480, PTS dnr 22-1477, PTS dnr 22-1342 and PTS dnr 20-3324 Remiss av förslag till föreskrifter om information till slutanvändare, dnr 22-1477, 22-1480, 22-1481, 22-1482 | PTS 2022
Netnod responds to final report on secure and cost-efficient IT operations SOU 2021:97 Remiss av It-driftsutredningens slutbetänkande Säker och kostnadseffektiv it-drift – förslag till varaktiga former för samordnad statlig it-drift - 2022
Netnod responds to Ministry of Infrastructure proposal on broadband networks I2021/03211 Remiss av promemorian Ett undantag från lokaliseringsprincipen för kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad - 2021
Netnod response to SOU 2021:63 Sveriges säkerhet - behov av starkare skydd för nätverks- och informationssystem SOU 2021:63 Remiss av SOU 2021:63 Sveriges säkerhet – behov av starkare skydd för nätverks- och informationssystem - 2021
Netnod responds to the Ministry of Infrastructure interim report on secure and cost-effective IT operations I2021/00342 / SOU 2021:1 Remiss av SOU 2021:1 Säker och kostnadseffektiv it-drift - 2021
Netnod responds to the Ministry of Justice report on increased resilience SOU 2021:25 Remiss av SOU 2021:25 Struktur för ökad motståndskraft - 2021
Netnod responds to Ministry of Justice consultation on the Swedish Government Secure Intranet Ju2020/04335 Remiss av promemorian Kommunikationstjänsten SGSI – utvidgad användarkrets och förtydligande av MSB:s uppdrag - 2021
Netnod comments on the NIS-2 directive Consultation COM(2020) 823 Cybersecurity – review of EU rules on the security of network and information systems 2021
Netnod comments on PTS proposals related to security measures and the NIS Directive PTS dnr 20-7032 Remiss: Post- och telestyrelsens föreskrifter om säkerhetsåtgärder för samhällsviktiga tjänster inom sektorn digital infrastruktur 2020
Netnod and Internetstiftelsen publish version 1.0 of the definition of Internet Access     2019
Netnod comments on Ministry of Finance study on EU consumer protection regulation Fi2019/00818 / SOU 2019:12 Remiss av SOU 2019:12 Nya befogenheter på konsumentskyddsområdet 2019
Netnod comments on proposal regarding the implementation of the European Electronic Communications code I2019/02319/D Remiss av Promemoria: Genomförande av direktivet om inrättande av en kodex för elektronisk kommunikation - 2019
Netnod comments on the Data Retention Directive in Sweden SOU 2017:75 Remiss SOU 2017:75 Datalagring – brottsbekämpning och integritet - 2018
Netnod comments on the Proposal for discontinuing seasonal changes of time and repealing Directive 2000/84/EC. N2018/04783/MRT (on 2000/84/EC) Remiss av Förslag till Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv om avskaffande av säsongsbaserade tidsomställningar och om upphävande av direktiv 2000/84/EG - 2018
Netnod comments on the Danish NIS Directive Lovforslag nr. L 139 Skriftlig fremsættelse (7. februar 2018) - L 139 2017
Netnod comments on the NIS Directive SOU 2017:36 Remiss av SOU 2017:36 Informationssäkerhet för samhällsviktiga och digitala tjänster - 2017
Netnod comments on EU Commission Proposed Directive Proposal COM(2016) 590 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Electronic Communications Code 2016
Inlaga från Netnod med synpunker på PTS ”Samråd avseende kalkylmodell för det fasta nätet” (dnr 14-6236) PTS dnr 14-6236 Samråd avseende kalkylmodell för det fasta nätet | PTS