Netnod response to public consultation on public service media system

Netnod argues for keeping content and distribution separate, ensuring that any content can be delivered across any platform. Netnod also stresses the need for robust and available services, especially in times of crisis.

On 28 May 2024, Netnod was given the opportunity by the Ministry of Culture to comment on the consultation on Responsibility and Independence - Public Service in Troubled Times (Ku2024/00602)

In particular, Netnod looks forward to committee directive Dir. 2024:74 further investigating the role of the Internet for distributing content in a public service setting.

Netnod also agrees with the government's position that terrestrial radio and TV are essential for emergency communications. However, the funding for these services should not be tied to the revenue generated by broadcasting licenses.

Overall, we need a resilient and independent public service media system that can serve the needs of all citizens, especially during times of crisis.

Responsibility and Independence - Public Service in Troubled Times
Netnod response to comments